Fourteen LinkedIn Tips for (the Rest of) 2014 |


Dennis Kennedy is an information technology lawyer and legal technology author. Allison C. Shields is the president of Legal Ease Consulting, Inc. They are co-authors of the books LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers and LinkedIn in One Hour.


LinkedIn has surged past 300 million users. It remains the most popular social media platform for business and professional use. In fact, it’s becoming rare to find people in any kind of business who say that they are not on LinkedIn.

At the same, a certain sense of complacency has settled over the use of LinkedIn. We often hear people say that they’ve been on LinkedIn for a while and they haven’t found it all that helpful, especially for reaching potential customers and clients. Since LinkedIn has been around for more than 10 years, there’s also a sense of “been there, done that” about it. Some people are always looking for the next new thing in social media.

In fact, most of us have barely scratched the surface of either the features or the potential of LinkedIn. LinkedIn has steadily added new features, especially in the past year or so. This will be a great year to take your use of LinkedIn up a level or two, and increase the value and benefits of the platform to you and your business.


Read complete article here.


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