Google Fiber for Communities

To encourage the deployment of better, faster Internet access, Google is
planning to build ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small
number of trial locations across the United States. They’ll deliver
Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans
have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home
connections. The service will be available at a competitive price to
at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people. Local
governments, residents and community groups can visit Google’s website to
express their interest in being part of this initiative.

Click on “Get Involved” for application forms to submit to Google. 3.2. 0

If you’re looking for an alternative to more traditional office suites, you may wish to look at this version of OpenOffice. Their interface is similar to that of other programs, and it contains a spreadsheet application, a word processor, and a presentation manager. OpenOffice also features blog publishing assistance and compatibility with other applications and file types. This version can be used with computers running Mac OS X 10.4 and newer or Windows 2000 or newer.

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2010.

Law Firms Swindled Out of $500K in E-Mail Scam

Law Firms Swindled Out of $500K in E-Mail Scam – News – ABA Journal

Two law firms in Honolulu were scammed out of $500,000 in an e-mail scheme that’s apparently targeting the legal community.

During the past six weeks, six different law firms have been targeted, according to the FBI, which issued a warning today (PDF). Two of the six fell for the scheme and lost a total of $500,000.


Hat Tip to ABA Journal–click here to see related coverage.


The latest version of this scam seen here refers to money owed on an Asian divorce judgment.

NY Judges’ No Pay Raise Unconstitutional–But No Remedy Ordered

Maron v. Silver, 16; Larabee v. Governor, 7;
Chief Judge v. Governor, 18;

PIGOTT, J.—The constitutional arguments raised in these judicial compensation appeals are premised upon, among other things, alleged violations of the New York State Constitution’s Compensation Clause and the Separation of Powers Doctrine. Because the Separation of Powers doctrine is aimed at preventing one branch of government from dominating or interfering with the functioning of another co-equal branch, we conclude that the independence of the judiciary is improperly jeopardized by the current judicial pay crisis and this constitutes a violation of the Separation of Powers Doctrine.


However, when “fashioning specific remedies for constitutional violations, we must avoid intrusion on the primary domain of another branch of government” (Campaign for Fiscal Equity, Inc. v. State of New York, 8 NY3d 14, 28 [2006]). Indeed, deference to the Legislature—which possess the constitutional authority to budget and appropriate—is necessary because it is “in a far better position than the Judiciary to determine funding needs throughout the state and priorities for the allocation of the State’s resources” (id. at 29). The Judiciary may intervene in the state budget “only in the narrowest of instances” (Wein v. Carey, 41 NY2d 498, 505 [1977]), and we do not believe that it is necessary here to order specific injunctive relief. When this Court articulates the constitutional standards governing state action, we presume that the State will act accordingly.


Full Text of Decision

Media Alerts on Federal Courts of Appeals

Media Alerts on Federal Courts of Appeals

The new Media Alerts on Federal Courts of Appeals Website of the ABA Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements is designed to provide reporters, lawyers, educators, and the public with prompt, accurate, unbiased information about newsworthy and legally significant cases pending in and decided by the Federal Courts of Appeals.

Use this website to find short summaries of recent opinions of public interest and noteworthy cases pending oral argument.
Currently, the website covers the Third, Fifth, and Ninth Circuits, and is a pilot program. If successful, they plan to expand coverage to include the other circuits. From time to time, they will also include significant district court cases.

Cases are selected and summarized by distinguished law professors, supported by their students.

Hat tip to Tom Mighell

Ruling Stakes Claim for N.Y. Priority in Resolving Adoption

Ruling Stakes Claim for N.Y. Priority in Resolving Adoption

“It may be debatable…whether parental rights created by a Cambodian adoption should, under circumstances like these, be treated as valid in New York,” Judge Robert S. Smith wrote for the unanimous Court in Matter of Adoption of John Doe, 20 (full text). “But once parental rights have been validly established under New York law, between an adoptive parent and child who continue to live in New York, the choice of law governing the parental relationship is much less difficult: New York law applies.”

Read full article at NYLJ

NY: Estate Planning for Domestic Partners and Non-Traditional Families

For domestic partners, same-sex spouses and their children, proper estate planning is crucial not only to ensure inheritance rights, but also to establish objective proof of the existence of a domestic partnership, as distinct from a more social relationship, and to overcome the many gaps in the legal recognition and status of their families of choice.

This excellent 30-page guide by Erica Bell, Esq. of Weiss, Buell & Bell can bedownloaded from PLI for free here.

Mac: Three New Time & Billing Programs

Three new time and billing programs were shown at Macworld Expo! They
look surprisingly good:

OfficeTime ($47)

Billable/ProfitTrain ($35)

OnTheJob ($40)

Thanks to Randy Singer (MacAttorney)