New York Assembly district maps face constitutional challenge – JURIST – News

Josephine Wenson | U. Pittsburgh School of Law, US


A press conference was held Wednesday to announce a constitutional challenge against the redistricting of the New York State Assembly’s electoral districts. Gary Greenberg and his legal counsel, Jim Walden of Walden Macht & Haran, filed a lawsuit against Governor Kathy Hochul and legislative officials alleging that State Assembly maps were gerrymandered “to protect Democratic incumbents.”

On April 27 the New York Court of Appeals held that the Congressional and Senate maps adopted by the New York Legislature were procedurally unconstitutional. However, according to a memorandum filed with the Court by Greenberg, the Legislature used the same unconstitutional procedure to adopt the current State Assembly map, rendering it equally invalid. Nonetheless, the Court of Appeals was compelled to refrain from granting relief as to the Assembly map because the current petitioners did not seek such relief in their petition. Therefore, Greenberg is making such a challenge in his motion.


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