Roe draft raises concerns data could be used to identify abortion seekers, providers | The Hill


Concerns that data gathered from peoples’ interactions with their digital devices could potentially be used to identify individuals seeking or performing abortions have come into the spotlight with the news that pregnancy termination services could soon be severely restricted or banned in much of the United States.

This is not a theoretical threat — prosecutors have already used phone data to establish intent to terminate a pregnancy.

In a 2017 case in Mississippi, Latice Fisher was charged with second degree murder after showing up to a hospital after having lost her pregnancy. An investigation was launched based on suspicions tied to her failing to return for an ultrasound after admitting to being pregnant during a check up. Prosecutors used searches for the medical abortion pill misoprostol on her phone, which she turned over voluntarily, as evidence in their argument that she had “intentionally” terminated her pregnancy.


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