The Art of Leadership Succession

Stephen Gallagher
Stephen Gallagher
Patrick McKenna is a prolific writer on the challenges of firm leadership. I first met Patrick back in 2002 when he coauthored a book with David Maister. First Among Equals: How to Manage a Group of Professionals, (The Free Press, 2002)) topped business bestseller lists in the United States, Canada and Australia; was translated into nine languages; is currently in its seventh printing; and received a best business books of 2002 award.

Patrick has always believed that the law firm leadership transition process can and should be managed with as much deliberation and care as the selection process itself to ensure less disruption and a smoother path for the firm going forward.

Patrick McKenna has recently released an eBook that outline a comprehensive process for law firm succession planning. You can get a copy of his free 260-page eBook, The Art of Leadership Succession:

Do a Kind Deed by forwarding this eBook to a young managing partner you know.

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