The Legal Profession in Transition- Solo Practitioners and Their Future – Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog

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Stephen P. Gallagher is a thought leader and deep thinker about our future. He is also a long-term friend and mentor of mine. But his area of interest isn’t about the latest technology. He focuses on the challenges of human beings practicing law. His company is  Leonard E. Sienko, Jr. is a solo practitioner in Hancock, NY.

These two teamed up to write “For Sole Practitioners, the Future’s Not What It Used to Be in 2015 for the New York State Bar Association Journal. Some of the thoughts that they discussed then about the future of law seem timeless and others are already somewhat dated, even though it has been less than three years since its publication. Mr. Sienko is understandably proud of his career as what we would now call in futurist circles, an artisan lawyer. Today being an artisan lawyer is often referenced as the opposite of the preferred modern “lean” systems-based lawyer. I note that there are many artisan lawyers still practicing and delivering great value to their clients.

Their follow up article, The Legal Profession in TransitionDownload The Legal Profession in Transition – Gallagher-Sienko-Sept17 was published in September 2017. In it, they discuss Baby Boomers in the legal profession. Sienko postulates that “The new reality is that many lawyers and others are in no position financially to retire.”

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