Courts and lawyers struggle with growing prevalence of deepfakes–ABA Journal


A deepfake video uses machine learning to transform a person’s image so they resemble someone else and can manipulate people’s words and actions.


n their paper Deep Fakes: A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National Security, Robert Chesney and Danielle Citron, describe how the technology could damage the public’s trust in institutions, including the justice system.

“One can readily imagine, in the current climate especially, a fake-but-viral video purporting to show FBI special agents discussing ways to abuse their authority to pursue a Trump family member. Conversely, we might see a fraudulent video of ICE officers speaking with racist language about immigrants or acting cruelly towards a detained child. Particularly where strong narratives of distrust already exist, provocative deep fakes will find a primed audience,” the paper states.


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