Something New: My Shared Reading Room – Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog

Jim Calloway:

I read a lot of online content related to law office management and technology. Some I save for later use and some I share. I follow some really great experts on Twitter who recommend great content and I retweet a lot of it. (Of course you should be following me on Twitter.)

At least once a month, I discard an idea that
was suggested to me by something I read that could have inspired a good blog post or article. I just don’t have unlimited time.

So it occurred to me that I could easily share some of the most interesting things I have read with others. So that is the point of the OBA MAP Reading Room. Every month, I’ll provide links without commentary to several articles I found of interest the previous month. That doesn’t mean they were published that month. it just signifies when I found them.

So here is the MAP Reading Room for August 2015. This is still a concept in progress, but hopefully it will be useful to  you.

The main index for the Reading Room is here, available for you to bookmark if you wish. We have links for each of the prior months this year. (And, yes, I am working on September now.) We hope this type of curated content makes sense for you. The collection will be a bit random and may include some of my own content.

Read entire Calloway article.

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