Legal Loop: Another NYSBA decision on virtual law offices | NY Daily Record-Nicole Black

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 1025 (full text)

The committee then clarified its conclusion: “In whatever manner the courts resolve the statutory issues regarding virtual law offices — and we express no opinion on how they will or should resolve those issues — neither Rule 7.1(h) nor any other advertising rule imposes or defines the contours of an attorney’s office or style of practice. To the extent N.Y. State 756 and 964 opine that Rule 7.1(h) or its predecessor imposes an obligation for a physical office, they are modified. We now conclude that an attorney who is admitted to practice in New York but who is not resident in New York and who advertises his or her law practice in New York must include the address of the attorney’s principal office, which may be the Internet address of a virtual law office.”

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