TRO issued in Wisconsin Capitol standoff

Wisconsin State Employees Union et al vs. State of Wisconsin et al

Ex Parte temporary restraining order. Resp. shall open the Wisconsin Capitol to members of the public during business hours and at times when governmental matters, such as hearings, listening sessions and court arguments are being conducted. This ex parte restraing order is in effect until the assigned trial court is able to schedule a hearing on the matter. If resp. wishes to have a hearing with respect to this order one will be scheduled as soon as possible before this court, the duty judge, if the assigned trial court is unable to hear the matter promptly. Pet. shall immediately serve a copy of this order on resp.


NYLJ: State Bar Blasts Proposal to Cap Medical Malpractice Awards

Joel Stashenko

New York Law Journal

March 01, 2011

ALBANY – The New York State Bar Association and its president yesterday blasted a recommendation by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo‘s Medicaid reform task force to cap medical malpractice awards for non-economic losses at $250,000.

Such caps are “anathema with respect to equal protection/access to justice,” the state bar’s Committee on the Tort System said in a memo in opposition to the Medicaid Redesign Team’s recommendation. The memo was endorsed by the bar’s executive committee.

Stephen P. Younger, the president of the state bar, said that the organization would write to Mr. Cuomo and all 212 state legislators urging them to oppose the cap proposal. Mr. Younger said he and other association officials will also ask state bar members to write letters to their legislators opposing the cap.

Read entire article at NYLJ.

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