Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans’ homes–NPR

By Chris Arnold, Robert Smith, Jess Jiang, Sam Yellowhorse Kesler, Robert Benincasa, Nick McMillan


McDonough had fallen victim to what’s called a zombie second mortgage. Homeowners think these loans are long dead. But then the loans come back to life because they get bought up, sometimes for pennies on the dollar, by debt collectors. These companies often tack on a mountain of retroactive interest and fees, even though that can be legally dubious in some cases, and then move to collect and foreclose on people’s homes.

And an NPR investigation found that the practice is widespread.

NPR looked at foreclosure data across several states where records were available. In New York, NPR found at least 10,000 old second mortgages that foreclosure activity had been initiated on in just the past two years. Those loans originated back during the subprime-lending housing-bubble days of 2004 to 2008.


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