Watch Florida Moms for Liberty Members Try to Report Librarians to the Police Over a YA Novel–Advocate

By Christopher Wiggins

Members of the “parental rights” activist organization Moms for Liberty reported Florida school librarians to law enforcement for allegedly distributing “pornography” to minors. The librarians were not. The “pornography” the Moms for Liberty activists were referring to was a young adult novel.

Moms for Liberty is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-government extremist group because of its anti-LGBTQ+ positions and calls for book bans and topic restrictions in schools.

A Popular Information video taken from a police officer’s body cam shows what went down, highlighting the group’s aggressive stance against any educational materials they find objectionable.

Jennifer Tapley, a member of the Santa Rosa County chapter of Moms for Liberty, called the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office, saying a crime was being done at a local school.


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For those who have been following it, the saga of the banned drag show fundraiser at West Texas A&M took a new twist on Wednesday when Andrew Seidel—a constitutional lawyer, RD senior correspondent, and vice president of strategic communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State—paid a visit to West Texas A&M to give a supportive address to the student groups fighting the ban.


Seidel also addressed the history and significance of drag as an art form, noting that Shakespeare can’t be performed without crossdressing as it’s central to the plots of many of his comedies. As he made these points, Seidel changed into drag himself, concluding his talk in a long black skirt, pantyhose, robin egg blue heels, and a rainbow feather boa, which he continued to wear throughout the Q&A.


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Christian student will receive $150K in suit alleging school meditation program included Hindu ritual–ABA Journal


The meditation program consisted of two 15-minute sessions on school property during every school day. The program began with a “Puja” initiation ceremony. which is defined in the dictionary as a Hindu act of worship. It involved “various bowls, food items and symbolic items” that were arranged around a picture of Guru Dev, one of the founders of Transcendental Meditation, according to the suit.

Instructors chanted Sanskrit words during the ceremony that recognized the power by various Hindu deities, according to the suit. Students were assigned mantras that they should silently repeat that are drawn from a pool of Sanskrit words that reference specific Hindu deities, the complaint alleged.

In a press release, Green’s lawyer, John Mauck of Mauck & Baker, called the meditation program “an egregious abuse of Mariyah’s religious rights.”


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Child psychiatrist jailed after making pornographic AI deep-fakes of kids–The Register

Thomas Claburn

His indictment [PDF] provides no detail about the AI software used; another court document [PDF] indicates that Tatum, in addition to possessing, producing, and transporting sexually explicit material of minors, viewed generated images of kids on an AI deep-fake website.

The trial evidence cited by the government includes a secretly-made recording of a minor (a cousin) undressing and showering, and other videos of children participating in sex acts.

“Additionally, trial evidence also established that Tatum used AI to digitally alter clothed images of minors making them sexually explicit,” prosecutors said. “Specifically, trial evidence showed that Tatum used a web-based artificial intelligence application to alter images of clothed minors into child pornography.”


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