SEQRA – Revised Model EAF Forms and Draft Workbook – NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

On January 25, 2012, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) adopted revised model EAFs. The revised EAFs replace the existing ones included in 6 NYCRR 617.20, Appendices A, B, and C, and are a general update to the existing forms. These revisions are the first major updates to the Short and Full EAFs in decades. They incorporate consideration of new areas of environmental concern (i.e. climate change, brownfields, storm water). In addition to substantive changes, the structure of the forms has also been updated to make them easier to use. The new forms become effective on October 7, 2013.

Both the Short and Full revised EAFs can be found on NYSDEC’s website:

To assist in the preparation of the revised EAFs, NYSDEC has developed SEQR Environmental Assessment Forms Guidance Documents that provide instructions, background information, links to maps and illustrations, and additional guidance. These guidance documents are generally referred to as the SEAF and FEAF Workbooks and can be found on NYSDEC’s websites:

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