Google Launches New Bookmarks Interface For Chrome | Ubergizmo

Google hasn’t made an official announcement about Chrome Bookmark Manager, but nevertheless, you can download it right now from the Chrome Web Store.

Bookmark Manager

Chrome Bookmarks and the Bookmarks Manager are now more powerful by incorporating the smarts of Google Search with a new modern UI.

Now, if you’re signed in to Chrome with sync enabled:

One-click save: When you bookmark, you can now save an image and note to make your bookmarks more helpful. Also, Google will suggest a folder if it seems like it could be a fit.

Improved search: Quickly find that elusive page with search powered by Google, which looks not only at the bookmark title and snippet, but also the bookmarked page’s content.

Collect bookmarks by topic: Your bookmarks will automatically be organized by topic, like “Tokyo” and “Photography.” If you’d rather, you can still organize them into folders yourself.

Familiar bookmarks, new look: Your existing bookmarks will automatically get updated with images and descriptions, wherever possible.

Share: Have a folder of favorite bookmarks? You can make it public and share the link with whomever you’d like to access it. Everything else will remain private.

Access your bookmarks anywhere: Bookmarked an article on your phone to finish reading on your laptop? Chrome will continue to sync your bookmarks across all of your devices, just like it does today. 

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